










Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer! Volunteers are a crucial part of Glorify, without your help it is impossible to run a smooth camp and events for these girls. We appreciate your willingness to help!


What exactly are do Glorify volunteers do? 

There are so many ways you can assist us this upcoming year. Please look at the list below and select what you believe you would be of most help with. If you can't decide, or if you don't have a specific preference, no worries, we will assign you to where we need most help! To register as a volunteer, please use the volunteer now button at the bottom of this page to take you to our registration page. Once you complete registration, one of our leaders will be in contact with you shortly. 


Dance Teacher:

We are always in need of more dance teachers. Glorify is more than just ballet. We do hip-hop, lyrical, jazz, tap, modern, flag worship, and even salsa! The girls are eager to learn and anything new is exciting for them. We have girls that are beginners to girls that are advanced. So every teacher is a welcomed addition to our team. All new teacher's go under an apprenticeship program with our owner Diana Miller. You will be guided on choreography, teaching skills, and how to have a consistent class flow. 


Arts and Crafts:

Arts and Craft is an exciting class for the girls each and every year. We are in need of teachers that are willing to be helpful, creative, and willing to get a little messy with the girls in their art class. All arts and Crafts lesson plans are prepared in advance. All this volunteer would be responsible for is teaching the prepared material provided by our arts and crafts leader. 



During our camp, a camp theme is selected. Bible teachers are responsible following the lesson plan created by our Bible leader, that correlate with the camp theme. All bible teachers are required to have a in-depth knowledge/ relationship of Christ along with a firm foundation in Him. Bible teachers must have spent a significant time studying His word in order to properly prepare for camp. Girls will ask tough questions and they will test your knowledge. Because this is the core to our camp and the most important class these girls will attend, we encourage you to spend time in prayer and meditation to receive a confirmation that this is what the Lord would like you to help with.  



Teens have a whole hour cooking class where they learn vital cooking skills. We encourage everyone to share with these teens their favorite family recipe. Keeping it simple has normally been what the teens like and learn from best. Because teens eat lunch directly after cooking class, it is extremely helpful if what they're cooking can be a side, main dish, or both for their lunch time. Cooking teachers are there the second to last week of June from 11:00am-12:00pm. Teachers pick one day (or if they'd like to do more that would be great!) where they come and cook with the girls. 



Our snack volunteer will help our Food Department leader collect and pass out snacks and drinks for camp. For teen week, a lunch is also provided along with snacks. 



Our registration volunteer is an important volunteer in keeping girls safe and making registration and pick up as smooth as possible. Glorify averages 70-100 girls per year with that number continually growing. Our Registration department will work closely with our Registration Leader to aid her in all things correlated with registration. These volunteers should have excellent organizational skills. 


Class Chaperones:

These volunteers are assigned a group of girls they are responsible for taking from class to class safely. These volunteers will aid in class flow and assist teachers in class, taking girls to the restroom, and getting drinks before class. Please note: Class chaperones may be asked to perform with their class if they are assigned to a younger group of girls. 



These volunteers aid our Maintenance Leader in cleaning and setting up before, during, and after Glorify. Glorify is a big ministry with many moving parts. It is extremely helpful to all of our volunteers to not have to stay extra time after camp to clean up, throw away the trash, re-stock bathrooms, and make sure everything is ready for camp the next day, or put back together as we found it before camp, once camp has ended. These volunteers are such a huge help to our tired instructors after long days of camp! 


Backstage help:

Most volunteers are mommas. We love that our moms are so willing to help during camp. However, we know moms would like to see their littles preform on stage come recital day. Our backstage helpers should be female, and a ladies that do not mind watching the show from the sidelines. Our backstage helpers must be willing to keep littles entertained and quiet during the performance and help with clean up backstage after the performance. 



Many volunteers are moms! We need nursery workers to keep our hard working momma's kiddos safe and happy during camp. Nursery workers take these kids to bible, arts and crafts, and snack time. The kids, however, do not do any dance portions of camp.